Corp registration in Brazil
Brazil, as the first economic power in Latin America, provides investor and international interested individuals with many great economic opportunities due to its geographical position and also its proximity to the United States of America.

dollars of foreign investment in 2019, according to the United Nations conference on trade and development (UNCTAD).
Brazil is known as an ideal country for several investors due to several factors.
Like the existence of a great and expanded market with a population of 210 million, containing rich natural resources and a very high amount of crude oil and ease of exploiting them, possessing a diverse economy to let it resist the economic crisis to a high extent, and also having a strategic geographical location that provides perfect access to other Latin-American and also North American countries (the USA and Canada)
So many foreign countries from Europe, Asia, North America, Oceania, and Africa have invested in Brazil and each year their number is increasing.
Investment benefits and corporate registrations have increased in this country, due to some economic changes made by the Brazilian government, including the reduction of the days needed to register a corporation from 79.5 to 30, improving infrastructure, and reforming tax regulations.
Why Brazil?

Frikmark International, with numerous experiences gathered in the last decades alongside a team of experts in all aspects of this area, declares its accompaniment alongside you with honor from the very beginning of the registration till the investment level.
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How to register a company in Brazil?
What are the requirements for register company in brazil?
There is no age limit, but one must be of legal age. The minimum age for company registration is 18 years.
To register a company, you do not need to provide a language certificate, and Frikmark consultants will help you for this matter.
In general, the business and economic activity of the company is very important and must be carefully examined before any action.
Types of Registration of Company in Brazil
1- Registering a joint stock company in Brazil
To register a joint stock company in Brazil, you will need at least two members of the board of directors, and the responsibilities of the shareholders are determined according to the nominal amount of the shares. Registering a joint stock company in Brazil is one of the most common types of registered companies in this country.
2- Registering a limited liability company in Brazil
Registration of a limited liability company is another type of company that is very popular in Brazil. In these types of companies, an independent person will be able to register and set up a company in Brazil. Of course, it should be noted that the costs of registering a limited liability company in Brazil are more appropriate and lower than other companies. If you want to get information about the cost of registering a limited liability company in Brazil, you can contact the experts and consultants of FriMark Institute and get advice.
3- Registering a cooperative company in Brazil
To register a cooperative company in Brazil, you will need at least three people, and you should know that the liability of such companies can be limited or unlimited. Also, the duration of registering a cooperative company in Brazil is between 2 and 4 months.
4- Establishment of the company’s branch in Brazil
Another common company that you can register in Brazil is related to the registration of a company branch. People who have registered a company in a country and are the owner of a particular company, can apply for the registration of a company branch in Brazil.
5- Registering a civil-commercial company in Brazil
Registering a commercial civil company in Brazil has its own conditions, such civil-commercial companies usually consist of a number of owners and each person owns their own capital, which they manage collectively. .
6- Registering a business company in Brazil
We can boldly say that most of the companies that are registered in Brazil are in the field of trade and commerce. Commercial companies in Brazil are divided into four categories. These items include:
Private and public company registration in Brazil
Registering a partnership in Brazil
Registering a joint stock company in Brazil
Registration of a manufacturing company in Brazil
What are the reasons for registering a company in Brazil?
By Registration Company Brazil, you can enter its large market: Brazil is known as one of the largest economies in the world with a high population and a large domestic market. The existence of a wide market and high economic growth potential creates many opportunities for business development.
By Registration of Company in Brazil, you can use the country’s natural resources: Brazil has very rich natural resources, including oil, natural gas, mines, forests, and a suitable climate for agriculture. These natural resources provide many opportunities for extractive and manufacturing industries.
By Registration of Company in Brazil, you can take advantage of its legal framework and investment laws: Brazil has a strong legal framework and modern investment laws that aim to support and encourage foreign investment. These laws include intellectual and physical property rights, protection of investments, and labor and employment laws.
By Company registration Brazil, you can take advantage of the country’s growing industries: Brazil has significant growth in many industries and economic sectors. Sectors such as information technology, financial services, automotive industry, mining, agriculture and tourism are among the industries that are growing and developing.
By Company registration Brazil, you can access regional markets: Brazil, as a member of the South American Common Market Area (MERCOSUL) and having trade agreements with other countries in the region, provides easier access to other markets in the region.
By Brazil Company Registry, you can benefit from financial facilities and government support: The Brazilian government encourages foreign investment by providing financial facilities and financial support. These facilities include credit facilities, tax concessions and the benefits of registering a company in Brazil, the following can be mentioned:
By Brazil Company Registry, you can use the country’s commercial and industrial platform: Brazil has a dynamic commercial and industrial platform that includes various industries such as information technology, financial services, automotive, mining, agriculture and tourism. This platform provides many opportunities for business growth and development.
By Brazilian Company Registry, you can take advantage of the country’s economic growth: Brazil has seen significant economic growth and vitality in recent years. This economic growth can bring good opportunities for investors and businesses.
By Brazilian Company Registry, you can benefit from government support: The Brazilian government encourages foreign investment by providing financial facilities, tax concessions and other protections. These supports and facilities can provide significant advantages for investors.
How much does it cost to establish a Company in brazil?
What are the benefits of Open a Company in Brazil?
Great business opportunity and huge consumer market in Brazil
Excellent international trade and access to Latin America and member of the Southern Common Market MERCOSUl
Favorable geographical conditions for agriculture and the production of various agricultural products
Being open to foreign investment and providing excellent protection for foreign investors
Excellent infrastructure for business
Low cost of living and maintenance compared to European countries
Strong domestic market in Brazil
The presence of clean and abundant renewable energy
The existence of a very advanced industry
Its real estate market is one of the hottest and most dynamic among developing economies.
The possibility of obtaining residence for yourself and family members
Obtaining a credit card and bank account in Brazil
The possibility of offering company shares in the Brazilian stock exchange
Easy to obtain visas from other countries
The possibility of obtaining Brazilian citizenship for you and your family
No need for high capital to Open Company Brazil
Entering global markets and gaining more credit for your brand
Creating an online business in this country
Good location in the tourism sector for foreign investors
The second country is industrialized and has many natural resources such as crude oil, which will provide suitable job opportunities for investors.
Brazil has one of the largest renewable energy programs in the world.
The most important advantage of Open new Company in Brazil is that there will be no withholding taxes for dividends for the individual or the company.
This developed country has 4 free trade zones, which are important for foreign investors.
What are the company registration procedures in Brazil?
The business environment for international companies in Brazil is unique. But before any action, it is necessary to check all aspects of company registration in Brazil.
The steps to establish Company brazil are as follows:
1- Consultation and assessment of the applicant’s conditions
Before taking any action to establish a company in Brazil, it is necessary to talk to experienced consultants about company registration and specify things such as: purpose of company registration, field of activity, views and prospects, etc.
2- Signing a company registration contract in Brazil
After finding out the issue of establishing the company in Brazil, you should proceed to sign an official contract and set up a power of attorney letter to the lawyers of the group.
3- Preparation of company registration documents in Brazil
One of the most important steps to establish a company in Brazil is the preparation of the necessary documents and documents for the company’s registration in this country, which is done by the company’s experts after the conclusion of the contract and with the cooperation of the prosecutor.
4- Final registration of the company in Brazil
With the start of the company establishment process in Brazil, usually within 1 to 2 months, your company is fully registered and all company documents are delivered to the applicant along with the registry code.
What documents are needed to start a company in brazil?
Choosing a company name to starting a company in brazil
Full name, nationality, date of birth, address of all company directors for starting a company in brazil
Address and full name of all shareholders for company registration in Brazil
Specifying the main activities of the company to register the company in Brazil
Certificate of residential address for company registration in Brazil
The amount of capital and the number of common shares of each member of the company to register the company in Brazil
Confirmation of documents signed in Brazil by the Brazilian consulate for Company formation in Brazil
National card, passport, driver’s license for company registration in Brazil
Business plan or economic plan
Completing a special form for company registration
A copy of the original trademark registration certificate
CVOSP in line with the economic program
Payment of set up a company in Brazil fees
Constitution based on the objectives of the economic plan
Providing identification documents of managers and signatories of the company
Submission of declaration or original certificate of trademark registration
Submission of power of attorney
What are the rules and regulations of Setting up a company in Brazil?
According to company law, a Brazilian company must have at least one director and two shareholders of each nationality.
There is no minimum capital requirement for a Brazilian company.
Every company is allowed to have its annual reports to confirm the details of the company for the public register, including the names and addresses of all directors, the principal address of the place of business and details of the shareholders and their shares.
A private Brazilian company to maintain a local registered address.
Every foreign company must have a Brazilian legal representative acting as sponsor.
This representative can be a Brazilian or a permanent resident.
Not all sectors in Brazil allow 100% foreign ownership. Foreign ownership is restricted in health services, the postal service, and the aerospace and nuclear energy industries.
how long to register a company in brazil?
Limited liability company (Sociedade Limitada – LTDA):
Approximate time: 3 to 6 weeks
Joint stock company (Sociedade Anônima – S.A):
Approximate time: 4 to 8 weeks
Cooperative company (Sociedade Cooperativa):
Approximate time: 4 to 6 weeks
Individual company (Empresário Individual):
Approximate time: 3 to 5 weeks
These times are approximate and may change depending on circumstances and special circumstances, such as documentation issues or additional requirements. Also, consulting an experienced lawyer or legal advisor in the field of company registration in Brazil can help you to complete the registration process correctly and faster.
What are the characteristics of an immigration lawyer in Brazil?
1. Expertise in the field of immigration to Brazil: the lawyer must have sufficient expertise and knowledge in the field of immigration laws and regulations to Brazil. He should be familiar with the process of visa registration, residency, citizenship and other immigration related issues.
2. Proven experience and success: A Brazil immigration lawyer must have previous successful experience in guiding clients through the immigration process. He must be able to provide professional and effective guidance to clients and help them achieve their immigration goals.
3. Familiarity with languages and cultures: A lawyer must have the ability to communicate with international clients. Familiarity with different languages and cultures of immigrants can help a lawyer to communicate well with his clients and understand their needs and issues.
4. Communication power and strategic thinking: An immigration lawyer must have strong communication skills and the ability to solve problems. He must be able to communicate with government officials and immigration authorities in Brazil and provide optimal strategies for his clients.
5. Rule of law and professional ethics: A lawyer must be very strong morally and legally and adhere to the principles of professional ethics. He should guide his clients honestly and transparently and keep their interests in mind.
If you intend to immigrate to Brazil, it is recommended to choose a lawyer who will help you in the process of immigrating to Brazil and guarantee your best rights and interests, considering the above features. All lawyers of Frikmark Group have these features and are ready to serve you.
Is it necessary to be physically present in the country to Company recorporation in Brazil?
Is opening a company in Brazil useful for obtaining residency in other countries?
Before deciding to open a company in Brazil in order to obtain residency in another country, it is recommended that you carefully check the relevant laws and regulations in the country of your choice and, if necessary, consult legal advisors and lawyers specializing in immigration and investment in that country. consult. They can guide you about the exact conditions and steps required to obtain residency in that country.
Does forming a company in Brazil lead to residency?
How can we proceed to enter into a company registration contract in Brazil?
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